Curated content to foster new masculinities

“Men, Feminism, and Men’s Contradictory Experiences of Power” by Michael Kaufman

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As one of the preeminent scholars on Masculinity, Michael Kaufman’s research has highlighted contradictions within traditional feminist narratives of patriarchal power and control. That is not to say that he is trying to undermine feminist discourse, or does not support it; rather Kaufman works to complicate the discourse by showing how competition and violence within the dominant group–targeting feminized men, gay men, not athletic men, or others who do not meet the hegemonic standard–creates a sense of lacking privilege despite being told that one is part of a privileged or dominant group. Rather than turning men against the narrative of dominance, patriarchy encourages men to turn against women, and other men, perpetuating further violence.

– Brett Goldberg

Download the article (PDF) via Michael Kaufman’s site.

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