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Patriarchy - page 2

Hannah Gadsby’s “Nanette” is an Hour of Required Viewing, Especially for White Men

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Comedy can be an incredible tool for furthering social justice by challenging seats of power and shining light on uncomfortable truths. Alternatively, comedy is often wielded by those with power—straight white men—to perpetuate oppression and discrimination by picking on people marginalized by society; by punching down. In Hannah Gadsby’s Netflix special, “Nanette,” the Tasmanian comic squares her…

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New Promundo Report Explores the Links Between Harmful Masculine Norms and 8 Forms of Violence

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We still have far to go in our understanding and discussion of the violences of men in the United States and abroad. Domestically, there has been increasing recognition in the wake of acts of mass violence in schools that a common trait in each of the perpetrators–who are predominantly young white men–is a history of violence…

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How to Dismantle Patriarchy

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I love a good infographic! In just 7 steps, the Gender-Based Violence Prevention Network offers tangible actions we can all undertake in our own lives to undermine patriarchy. The language isn’t super accessible to those uninitiated to challenging patriarchy. But for those already committed to feminist struggle, who maybe question what it looks like to…

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White Men’s Terrorism: Rape Culture, Mass Gun Violence, and Raising Our Boys to Hate Our Girls (and Everyone Else)

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On April 20, 1999, I was barely a month into my 16th year, a sophomore in high school full of angst, unrequited love, joy, and maybe a little anger. For years one of my favorite songs was Pearl Jam’s “Jeremy,” the grunge anthem to teen angst and anger, but more so an ode to sadness…

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So You’ve Sexually Harassed Or Abused Someone: What Now?

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The last several weeks have been, we can hope, only the beginning of a long awaited reckoning in the United States. Every day another man, or two or three, is publicly named as an abuser, a harasser, a rapist, a predator. In many instances, an element of justice has been swift as they are shamed and…

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Feminism for Men 101

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There is a never a bad time to take a step back and review some of the foundational principles and values upon which we seek to build justice and equity. Many articles on this site explore the ways in which patriarchy and toxic masculinity are harmful to the health, well-being, and relationships of men. But…

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Patriarchy, Homophobia, and the Lack of Touch in the Lives of Men

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Patriarchy limits the range of acceptable emotions that real men are allowed to express. And the means for expressing those emotions are equally small. What this means is that we–collectively, as a society, even well meaning liberals and feminists–often misinterpret, or project our internalized patriarchy upon men and boys. Here are a few examples of what…

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Men, Friendship, and the Health Effects of Loneliness

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The expectations of toxic masculinity–and normative masculine gender socialization–takes a toll on men and boys in a variety of ways. This is by no means an argument for minimizing or re-centering the discourse on rape culture away from women, girls, queer folks, people who are gender-non-conforming, and other marginalized communities and individuals. But in order to…

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