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All I Needed Was The Love You Gave: “13 Reasons Why” is Brutal and Necessary Storytelling on Bullying, Sexual Violence, & Suicide

From the Editor by

Author’s Note: This editorial is rooted in my personal experience, and my interpretation of the television series, 13 Reasons Why. I am not a professional/expert on suicide or depression, nor am I a clinical psychologist, therapist, or psychiatrist. As a certified Advocate for victim/survivors of sexual violence, I have training and experience in trauma counseling.…

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35 Women Tell Their Stories About Being Assaulted by Bill Cosby

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In an expose spanning more than 30 years, NY Magazine gives voice to the 35 women who have accused Bill Cosby of drug-induced rape and sexual assault. As this piece highlights, women and victim/survivors of sexual violence are too-often silenced and ignored, especially when their perpetrators are celebrities or popular within their social circle. The…

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