Curated content to foster new masculinities

This Metaphor for Consent Might Be Just the Thing You Need to Make It Click

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To truly revolutionize our understanding of consent in order to foster healthy relationships, and create a world free from violence, it is fundamental that we abandon any understanding in which consent is framed in competitive terms, as something that has to be “gotten,”  or viewing consent as a possession that is transactional. Healthy relationships are founded with an understanding that consent is collectively and mutually built. This article from Everyday Feminism presents the concept both uniquely and effectively. The metaphor of building a castle is used to explain that relationship or sexual interaction (the castle) requires dialogue, negotiation, accountability, check-ins, evaluations, and yes, hard hats. Taking the form of a comic strip, the information is accessible, and quickly read.

– Brett Goldberg

Read the article via Everyday Feminism.

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