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5 Ways We Teach Rape Culture in Schools

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The most insidious aspect of rape culture is that we perpetuate it unintentionally through norms, behaviors, and actions that we have come to accept without truly questioning whether there is an underlining meaning or resulting consequence. Often, under the vein of trying to “protect” our children, we teach them lessons that remove their agency, eliminate their bodily autonomy, or convey that entire genders or groups of people are bad, dirty, or deviant.

English teach Tom Rademacher (known as Mr. Rad to his English students in Minneapolis) has compiled an excellent list of five commonplace lessons taught in schools that perpetuate rape culture. These lessons are not limited to schools, and are reinforced in just about any space in which an adult believes to have authority to direct the behaviors of children.

– Brett Goldberg

Read the full list from Mr. Rad via Education Post.

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