Curated content to foster new masculinities


From the Editor

From the Editor has 68 articles published.

“Men, Feminism, and Men’s Contradictory Experiences of Power” by Michael Kaufman

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As one of the preeminent scholars on Masculinity, Michael Kaufman’s research has highlighted contradictions within traditional feminist narratives of patriarchal power and control. That is not to say that he is trying to undermine feminist discourse, or does not support it; rather Kaufman works to complicate the discourse by showing how competition and violence within…

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“Transforming a Rape Culture” edited by Emilie Buchwald, Pamela Fletcher, & Martha Roth

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This foundational anthology collects writings from diverse perspectives and a range of authors who examining root causes of violence, highlighting a range of manifestations, and discusses challenges to cultural dynamics that foster a rape culture in the United States. Collecting writings from over several decades, and having gone through several editions, the anthology has developed…

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“The Will To Change: Men, Masculinity, & Love” by bell hooks

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As a follow up to All About Love, hooks looks at unique conditions of patriarchal society’s socialization of men, and the effects on male relationships with women, other men, and themselves. hooks explores non-hegemonic masculinities and ways that men can challenge patriarchal assumptions and requirements. This book is fundamental in an exploration of the role…

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“All About Love: New Visions” by bell hooks

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hooks begins with the recognition that we are growing up in a society definied by, “imperialist white supremacist capitalist patriarchy.” This transformative text seeks to explore alternative interpersonal dynamics and relationships, with an emphasis on empathy, understanding, and work as foundational to love. hooks acknowledges the pitfalls of patriarchal society and focuses on how to…

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For White People Who Want to Attend #BlackLivesMatter Protests

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In an article that pulls no punches, and gives zero fucks about fragile feelings, author Ashleigh Shackelford lays out with brutal honesty what it means for white folks to truly be an ally in struggles against systemic and structural racism and anti-black violence. From reparations to putting ones body and life on the line, being…

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On Making Black Lives Matter

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The role of “allies” has come into question recently as multiple murders of black men by police has resulted in high profile #BlackLivesMatter protests. Too often white folks depend on people of color, or women, or those in the queer community, to tell them what to do to be supportive, or burden them with the…

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Whiteness Is A Disease

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Race, like gender, is a social construct. In the United States, over the last 400 years, the concept of race has evolved and adapted in relation to time and place, and most definitely according to the socio-economic and political climate. It is very likely that as you read that statement, read the word “race” you…

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It’s Time You Realize #AllLivesMatter Is Racist

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There is an important distinction between focus and exclusion. To say that Black lives matter is not to say that other lives do not. But as is highlighted every 28 hours in the United States, as a black person is murdered by police, Black lives, in the eyes of the State, and white supremacist culture,…

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