Curated content to foster new masculinities


From the Editor - page 6

From the Editor has 68 articles published.

15 Things Your City Can Do Right Now to End Police Brutality

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Make no mistake, the police are the enforcement arm of a racist, sexist, transmysognist, and ableist State. Disarming the police, abolishing the prison-industrial complex, and establishing community-based systems of accountability and restorative justice is fundamental to anti-oppressive struggles, anti-racist movements, and furthering gender equity and reproductive justice. This article provides tangible and immediate steps that…

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Calling Grown Women ‘Girls’ Is Sexist As Hell – Here Are 4 Reasons Why

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Just as the male-as-neutral form of our language invisiblizes numerous demographics of people, the way that language casually infantilizes women perpetuates rape culture and normalizes sexism. To refer to a woman–a female-identifying person over the age of 18–as a “girl,” is not only disrespectful, treating them as a child, removing agency and autonomy, but it…

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I Don’t Want to Be an Excuse for Racist Violence Anymore

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Racism in the United States is in many ways a gendered oppression. The threat of rape, specifically of white women, has been used to justify mob violence against black men for centuries. Dylann Roof used the need to protect white women’s purity as justification for opening fire inside a South Carolina church, murdering six black…

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How ‘Benevolent Sexism’ Drove Dylann Roof’s Racist Massacre

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Benevolent sexism is a double edged sword; utilizing positive traits to perpetuate women’s subordination and dependence on men. Roof, who murdered nine African-American people during a church service, is reported to have said that white women need to be protected from rape by black men prior to opening fire. It is rhetoric as old as…

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“Mad Max” Is A Feminist Playbook For Surviving Dystopia

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SPOILER ALERT: Maybe the finest, most feminist, moment in Mad Max: Fury Road comes when Max, with only three bullets in his rifle, misses the mark twice; rather than taking a third and final shot, full of masculine hubris, hands the rifle over to Furiosa, who not only hits the mark on the first try,…

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4 Things We Need to Stop Teaching Boys to Avoid Nurturing Their Sexual Entitlement

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Undoing our culture of sexual and emotional violence requires a return to basics, reevaluating of the values and lessons we convey to children. Through stereotypical gender roles, pop culture, and even our language, boys are taught that they have a right to women’s bodies and sexuality; that their value is correlated with sexual experience, while…

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Consent Is As Simple As Tea

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Consent is fundamental and foundational. Its also a lot less complicated than many want to make it seem. Consent is about dialogue, and respecting the needs, agency, and autonomy of other people. Consent is the foundation of healthy, happy relationships, and fun, pleasurable sexual encounters. It truly is as simple as offering someone a cup…

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Sex Ed That Turns Boys Into Men

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Sex Ed in the United States is often mediocre at best, and in the instance of abstinence-only education, harmful at worst. Children must be provided with accurate, honest, and upfront information about sexual activities, their bodies, consent, dialogue, pleasure, sexual and reproductive justice, and yes, even human rights, in an environment that is safe and…

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