Curated content to foster new masculinities

In Praise of Tender Masculinity, the New Non-Toxic Way to Be a Man

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Popular culture presents no shortage of great examples of men who embody a toxic and unhealthy masculinities. Equally problematic is that too often these bad examples aren’t presented as such; in fact, they are often presented as the ideal. Instead of valorizing violent and emotionally-disconnected ways of being a man, we need to promote and encourage tender men: Men who are vulnerable, men who are OK with failing so long as they learn from their mistakes, men who love their friends, men who value the women in their lives regardless of whether or not they are sexual partners.

In this [very incomplete] list, Terra Loire highlights examples of tender men in pop culture who are the unsung heroes of the epic adventure, B-list supporting characters, or the pillar that upholds the hero allowing the quest to be completed. From Juan, the father-figure in Moonlight, to Samwise Gamgee in The Lord of the Rings. Let’s celebrate tender men in the media we consume, and encourage more tender men in all of our lives.

– Brett Goldberg

Read the full list via Electric Literature.

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