Curated content to foster new masculinities


Why ‘Hidden Figures’ Is the Movie We Need Right Now

Hidden Figures is a fantastic film telling an important story about three black women, a group of people whose contributions are shamefully ignored or preface or relegated to the sidelines in the story of men. Hidden Figures tells the story of three black women who are, first and foremost, STEM professionals in a field (mathematics), and at… Keep reading...


This Metaphor for Consent Might Be Just the Thing You Need to Make It Click

To truly revolutionize our understanding of consent in order to foster healthy relationships, and create a world free from violence, it is fundamental that we abandon any understanding in which consent is framed in competitive terms, as something that has to be “gotten,”  or viewing consent as a possession that is transactional. Healthy relationships are founded with… Keep reading...


Daddy Daughter Hair School

Single father, Phil Morgese, created a workshop to assist other father’s understanding of their daughters and their hair. Through the act of caring for their daughters’ hair, the Daddy Daughter Hair Factory is helping to break down gender roles (which Morgese recognizes), while building stronger bonds between fathers and daughters. This 60-second documentary beautifully summarizes the work… Keep reading...


Speak Up: Responding to Everyday Bigotry

Oppression takes many forms and can come from places both expected and not. These are times that call on us all to actively put forth our best selves, holding both ourselves and each other accountable. Solidarity, after all, is a verb. It is our collective responsibility to speak out against hate, against oppression, against the… Keep reading...


More Info. Less Weird. – Sex Ed Videos by

In four minutes or less, each animated Amaze video tackles a topic related to sex education such as girls or boys puberty, healthy relationships, gender identity, and “am I ready?” Most of the videos are rated as all ages (10-14), with some rated as teen, which are advised for the older side of that group.… Keep reading...

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