Curated content to foster new masculinities

New Voices

Completing the New Masculinities Playlist 2018

Hi friends! With apologies for the delay, it’s time to round out the final five entries in the New Masculinities Playlist for 2018. Track 8 – Anna Calvi, “Don’t Beat the Girl out of My Boy” When Anna Calvi took to Instagram to announce “Hunter,” her 2018 album, she made its moral core and message… Keep reading...


Is It Possible to Apologize for a Sexual Assault?

I have never been one for New Year’s resolutions, but for the past several years I take New Year’s Eve/Day as an opportunity to recommit myself to some variation of Dan Savage’s “Campsite Principle.” Last year it read: I will strive to leave my friends, family, partners, work, coworkers, lovers, acquaintances, communities, spaces in which… Keep reading...


Be Bold Not Bogus: TBWB @ the 2018 National Sexual Assault Conference

This past August I had the pleasure of attending the 2018 National Sexual Assault Conference in Anaheim with frequent contributor and member of our Board of Directors, Brian Heilman (also representing his work with Promundo), along with Aapta Garg, Promundo Program Officer, and Elizabeth Miller, Director of the Division of Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine, Children’s… Keep reading...

New Voices

It Might Be Possible to Be an Ethical Sports Fan

Will Leitch, the founder of Deadspin, recently published an article for NY Mag entitled “It Might Be Impossible to Be an Ethical Sports Fan” in which he captures how confusing sports fandom has been in recent years. He describes the joy of watching Jason Collins become the first openly gay NBA player, the “mental gymnastics”… Keep reading...


How to Talk to the Women in Your Life Right Now

If there ever was a time for men to shut their mouths and open their ears, minds, and hearts to the women in their lives, that time has to be now. To be fair, that time was actually a long damn time ago, but it’s (hopefully) never too late to do the right thing. Through… Keep reading...


Straight White Male: The Lowest Difficulty Setting There Is

Educating white people about white privilege (or convincing them its a real cultural phenomenon) can be a truly monumental task. By design, whiteness has been made invisible; whiteness has been normalized and naturalized to be the baseline of human existence in the United States. Specifically, white men are the model of average. Women are gendered… Keep reading...

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