Curated content to foster new masculinities

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Do Campus Rape Investigations Damage Colleges?

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I have a theory that properly handling allegations of sexual violence on a college campus (or within a company, community organization, or other group) will actually increase people’s interest and investment in that group rather than create a negative image of that group by the association with violence. This theory will form one foundation for…

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Want To End Sexual Harassment? Landmark Study Finds Ousting ‘Bad Men’ Isn’t Enough

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As workplaces, universities, in communities, and any number of other environments struggle to come to terms with years, decades, and generations of ignoring, tolerating, or encouraging the violence of men against women, the question of accountability has been thrust to the forefront of our collective conversation. Banishment is an appropriate and necessary recourse against powerful individuals…

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New Promundo Report Explores the Links Between Harmful Masculine Norms and 8 Forms of Violence

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We still have far to go in our understanding and discussion of the violences of men in the United States and abroad. Domestically, there has been increasing recognition in the wake of acts of mass violence in schools that a common trait in each of the perpetrators–who are predominantly young white men–is a history of violence…

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“Men, Feminism, and Men’s Contradictory Experiences of Power” by Michael Kaufman

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As one of the preeminent scholars on Masculinity, Michael Kaufman’s research has highlighted contradictions within traditional feminist narratives of patriarchal power and control. That is not to say that he is trying to undermine feminist discourse, or does not support it; rather Kaufman works to complicate the discourse by showing how competition and violence within…

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Men Who Hate Women: Gender, Empathy, & Power in The United States’ Rape Culture

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In the United States, gender defines far more than how people dress, or the roles they must assume in their intimate relationships. Gender socialization sets the stage for how individuals think and interact with the world around them. In the United States, male gendering socializes aggression, domination, and hatred for women. This paper examines the…

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“Men, Sex, and Homosociality: How Bonds between Men Shape Their Sexual Relations with Women” by Michael Flood

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We speak of rape culture because it is crucial to recognize the often public nature of normalized violence in the United States. Street harassment for example occurs in public, in plain view of bystanders and witnesses. It can be argued, as scholar Michael Flood does, that the performance of masculinity, as evidences by acts of…

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