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Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones, But Words Will Break My Heart – Part 1

From the Editor by

Rethinking the Relationship Between The Words We Use, The Actions We Take, and the Thoughts We Think Part 1. The Words We Use ~~~ I spend a lot of my waking life in my head. I like to think. And I give a lot of thought to the words that I speak, and the ways I…

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“Men, Feminism, and Men’s Contradictory Experiences of Power” by Michael Kaufman

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As one of the preeminent scholars on Masculinity, Michael Kaufman’s research has highlighted contradictions within traditional feminist narratives of patriarchal power and control. That is not to say that he is trying to undermine feminist discourse, or does not support it; rather Kaufman works to complicate the discourse by showing how competition and violence within…

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