Curated content to foster new masculinities


From the Editor - page 14

From the Editor has 106 articles published.

How Using ‘They’ as a Singular Pronoun Can Change the World

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“The rule against using singular they is enforced neither because it preserves some consistent, objective grammatical standard, nor because it serves our communication needs. It is enforced because enforcing language norms is a way of enforcing power structures. Our pronoun problem isn’t just about gender — it’s about power.” Language is both a reflection of…

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“Men, Sex, and Homosociality: How Bonds between Men Shape Their Sexual Relations with Women” by Michael Flood

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We speak of rape culture because it is crucial to recognize the often public nature of normalized violence in the United States. Street harassment for example occurs in public, in plain view of bystanders and witnesses. It can be argued, as scholar Michael Flood does, that the performance of masculinity, as evidences by acts of…

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