Curated content to foster new masculinities

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Is It Possible to Apologize for a Sexual Assault?

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I have never been one for New Year’s resolutions, but for the past several years I take New Year’s Eve/Day as an opportunity to recommit myself to some variation of Dan Savage’s “Campsite Principle.” Last year it read: I will strive to leave my friends, family, partners, work, coworkers, lovers, acquaintances, communities, spaces in which…

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5 Steps to a Sincere Apology

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Accountability, apologies, and recognition of harm caused is at the center of the #metoo movement, and the heart of building healthy relationships and smashing rape culture and patriarchy. Unfortunately we often struggle to know what true accountability looks like (because many of us have never really experienced it, or seen it modeled), nor do we know how to offer a sincere…

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So You’ve Sexually Harassed Or Abused Someone: What Now?

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The last several weeks have been, we can hope, only the beginning of a long awaited reckoning in the United States. Every day another man, or two or three, is publicly named as an abuser, a harasser, a rapist, a predator. In many instances, an element of justice has been swift as they are shamed and…

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This is how you apologize to Keira Knightley—or anyone, for that matter

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Apologizing can be one of the most difficult acts, and one of the most powerful in showing our ability to empathize, to care, and to hold ourselves accountable. Apologies are often empty words, focusing on intention rather than reception. When we acknowledge that we were wrong–regardless of intention–that we hurt someone, that we acted out…

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