anti-oppression – The Bridges We Burn

Curated content to foster new masculinities

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Breaking Up With Patriarchy

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“Who would you be if you were allowed to walk into your full self?” – Kenyon Farrow In this powerful panel discussion (which is also a quick watch at less than 15-minutes), five Black gender activist-scholars grapple with the role of patriarchy in their/our masculine identities, families, relationships, and communities. While the discussion poses more…

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Black Lives Matter

From the Editor by

A message from our editor for our white readers and friends. Rape culture and toxic masculinity are intricately embedded in, and dependent upon, white supremacy. Black lives matter. Ending rape culture is an abolitionist project; we must abolish the police. Donate to Movement for Black Lives or find a local organization or Black owned…

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We are an Abolitionist Project

Curated/From the Editor by

It cannot be said that The Bridges We Burn is subtle about our politics. Like our emotions, we wear our politics on our sleeves and strive for a praxis that bridges our ideals, theoretical foundations, and action for justice and equity. To that end, it is important for us to state that The Bridges We…

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It Might Be Possible to Be an Ethical Sports Fan

New Voices by

Will Leitch, the founder of Deadspin, recently published an article for NY Mag entitled “It Might Be Impossible to Be an Ethical Sports Fan” in which he captures how confusing sports fandom has been in recent years. He describes the joy of watching Jason Collins become the first openly gay NBA player, the “mental gymnastics”…

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Straight White Male: The Lowest Difficulty Setting There Is

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Educating white people about white privilege (or convincing them its a real cultural phenomenon) can be a truly monumental task. By design, whiteness has been made invisible; whiteness has been normalized and naturalized to be the baseline of human existence in the United States. Specifically, white men are the model of average. Women are gendered…

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White Fragility Self-Test

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For generations, white folks have had the privilege of not usually having to think about themselves as having a race. White, like man, has been naturalized in the United States as a neutral state of being. People of color have a race that makes them different from “normal” [white] people. Similar narratives establish women as…

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Tips for Intersex Inclusive Language

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The language we use can shape the way we see and interact with the world. In fact, I wrote an editorial about how intentional language choice and usage can help us to be more inclusive, anti-oppressive, and empathetic. Intersex is often overlooked in discussions of sex and biology, which results in intersex individuals being erased. Just as…

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How to Dismantle Patriarchy

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I love a good infographic! In just 7 steps, the Gender-Based Violence Prevention Network offers tangible actions we can all undertake in our own lives to undermine patriarchy. The language isn’t super accessible to those uninitiated to challenging patriarchy. But for those already committed to feminist struggle, who maybe question what it looks like to…

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