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Tickled to to Consent: Teaching Little Boys that No Means No

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Tickling conveys incredibly confusing messages around consent, pleasure, discomfort, autonomy and agency to young children. Kids may ask to be tickled, but when they say to stop, or say no more, the tickling often continues. Sometimes tickling is used as a threat, although intended jokingly, it may be enacted as a form of punishment. This…

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Sex Ed That Turns Boys Into Men

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Sex Ed in the United States is often mediocre at best, and in the instance of abstinence-only education, harmful at worst. Children must be provided with accurate, honest, and upfront information about sexual activities, their bodies, consent, dialogue, pleasure, sexual and reproductive justice, and yes, even human rights, in an environment that is safe and…

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Hermione Granger And The Goddamn Patriarchy

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What if instead of being another young-adult novel told from the perspective of an entitled young white male with a savior complex, the Harry Potter series had been given a different type of narrator? We all know that without Hermione, Harry and Ron would have died in Book One allowing Voldemort to prevailed. Featuring fire,…

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What Stalled the Gender Revolution? Child Care That Costs More Than College Tuition

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Because our governments rarely if ever account for the cost of unpaid–mostly domestic, or home-based–labor, both physical and emotional, it is especially important that our social movements do. Emotional labor and unpaid domestic work, caring for children and elders, and the household, must not be assumed to be women’s work, or for those of financial…

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Rob Lowe on Sending His Son Off to College

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As actor Rob Lowe is preparing to say goodbye to his son after dropping him off at college his freshman year, he asks himself, “When was the last time my heart was breaking?” An honest, humble, and emotional insight into one father’s experience with his son. – Brett Goldberg Read the article via Slate.

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Discipline With Dignity: Oakland Classrooms Try Healing Instead of Punishment

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Restorative justice models of reconciliation seek to provide alternatives to punitive punishment styles of justice. At its core, restorative justice aims to achieve individual healing, relationship reconciliation, and community building. In the Oakland public school system, where many students are from communities of color, restorative justice serves to disrupt the school-to-prison-pipeline which utilizes punitive punishments…

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The Conversation You Must Have With Your Sons

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In a speech in 1983, titled, “I want a 24-hour truce in which there is no rape,” radical feminist Andrea Dworkin hit the nail on the head of rape culture, “And the problem is that you think it’s out there: and it’s not out there. It’s in you.” 33 years later, the entire length of…

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