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Consent - page 3

Hugging 101

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One of the difficulties faced in the discourse around consent, is that we often only use the word, or begin the discussion, when in regards to sexual encounters. Consent is fundamental to all relationships, and to respecting one another’s agency and bodily autonomy. With children, we often send mixed messages. Tickling is a prime example.…

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This Is How You Teach Kids About Consent

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Fostering empathy from the earliest age is fundamental to undoing generations of toxic male socialization and replacing our current rape culture with a culture rooted in consent in which everyone’s agency and autonomy is respected. This article provides tangible examples, steps, and tips for teaching consent and fostering empathy to children in of various and…

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Could Parenting Impact College Sexual Violence?

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Parents have incredible influence on their children both through what is expressly taught, and what is implicitly conveyed through daily interactions and observations. Modeling and explaining what consent and healthy relationships look like, while helping children to understand the consequences of their actions, is a fundamental responsibility for parents. This article by parenting researchers helps…

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Don’t Romanticize Sex Crimes Against Boys—It’s Still Abuse if the Abuser is Female

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The assumption that all men and boys are sexual beings–that they crave sex, require it even, and are always at the ready to have it–not only removes an individual’s agency and right to affirm or deny consent. It also invalidates the specific emotional experience one has connected to sexual experience. Believing that the conquest associated…

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Dating Tips For the Feminist Man

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The internet is ripe with listicles and click-bait, but this article is the real deal. Examining dating through a feminist lens, author Nora Samaran, explores what it means–tangibly, realistically, practically–for cis-males to no simply call themselves a feminist, but to put that into action, to live their politics. With a focus on intersectional privilege and…

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8 Sex Positive Things You Can Say To Your Kids That Have Nothing To Do With Sex

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Consent, bodily autonomy, and agency are fundamental to sex positivity and healthy relationships. These concepts do not require explicit talk about sex in order to begin building that foundation early in a child’s life. From a very young age, lessons can be conveyed to children that everyone has a right to say no, to determine…

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Tickled to to Consent: Teaching Little Boys that No Means No

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Tickling conveys incredibly confusing messages around consent, pleasure, discomfort, autonomy and agency to young children. Kids may ask to be tickled, but when they say to stop, or say no more, the tickling often continues. Sometimes tickling is used as a threat, although intended jokingly, it may be enacted as a form of punishment. This…

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Consent Is As Simple As Tea

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Consent is fundamental and foundational. Its also a lot less complicated than many want to make it seem. Consent is about dialogue, and respecting the needs, agency, and autonomy of other people. Consent is the foundation of healthy, happy relationships, and fun, pleasurable sexual encounters. It truly is as simple as offering someone a cup…

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