Curated content to foster new masculinities

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Your words matter

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Our words matter, and being intentional with the message we are trying to convey can have a huge impact on the lessons (intended or not) that we are teaching young folks. Seemingly minor interactions or word choices can have significant impact on a  person’s emotional state. Words that encourage dialogue and that are not shaming…

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Help Protect Your Child from Sexual Abuse

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Empowering children with information and knowledge is one of the most effective means of protecting them from sexual abuse and at the same time fostering empathy and consent-based relationships. In the United States, we often want to shelter children from sex and sexuality, which tends to create a culture of shame and confusion around our…

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Teaching Consent to 3rd Graders with Charts

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Another post on teaching consent, you ask? Yes! Because there are never enough resources or discussions on teaching consent, and because these conversations need to happen over and over again, and because we all need refreshers and best-practices on bringing the essential and foundational concept of consent to younger and younger audiences. And especially because…

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Tips for Intersex Inclusive Language

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The language we use can shape the way we see and interact with the world. In fact, I wrote an editorial about how intentional language choice and usage can help us to be more inclusive, anti-oppressive, and empathetic. Intersex is often overlooked in discussions of sex and biology, which results in intersex individuals being erased. Just as…

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5 Steps to a Sincere Apology

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Accountability, apologies, and recognition of harm caused is at the center of the #metoo movement, and the heart of building healthy relationships and smashing rape culture and patriarchy. Unfortunately we often struggle to know what true accountability looks like (because many of us have never really experienced it, or seen it modeled), nor do we know how to offer a sincere…

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What “Rape Culture” Means

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Today marks the last day of Sexual Assault Awareness Month 2018. Survivors and advocates spend an unbelievable amount of time trying to convince people that rape culture is real. From the folks at Ultraviolet comes the infographic above that dispels some common myths used to delegitimize the experiences of survivors of sexual violence and can be used throughout the…

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How to Dismantle Patriarchy

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I love a good infographic! In just 7 steps, the Gender-Based Violence Prevention Network offers tangible actions we can all undertake in our own lives to undermine patriarchy. The language isn’t super accessible to those uninitiated to challenging patriarchy. But for those already committed to feminist struggle, who maybe question what it looks like to…

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