Curated content to foster new masculinities

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Curmudgeons – A Short Film by Danny DeVito

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Actor and director Danny DeVito brings us an endearing love story reminding us that we are never too old, nor is it ever too late, to be happy. While affirming that love takes many forms, this short film is funny, a little bit crass, and most importantly really lovely. At a mere 15-minutes, “Curmudgeons” is well…

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12 Million People Watched This Perfect Father-Daughter Morning Mantra

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“I am strong. I am smart. I work hard. I am beautiful. I am respectful.” With these words Ron Alston, father of three-year-old Aliya, walks his daughter through a morning mantra encouraging her to be positive, empathic, and confident as she heads off to school. In this clip, posted to his personal Facebook page, Alston…

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Watch Men Read Their Old Suicide Notes in a Gut-Wrenching PSA About Getting Help

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In a culture that mandates isolation, and suppression of emotions, asking for help is an act of revolution. Suicide is reaching epidemic levels in the United States–as in many parts of the world, especially the Global North. While CDC reports highlight that girls and women often attempt suicide at higher rates, boys and men are…

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President Barack Obama Says, “This Is What a Feminist Looks Like”

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With an incredible platform to enact political, social, and cultural change, it should not be taken lightly for President Obama to utilize his soapbox to refer to himself as a feminist and decry antiquated gender roles and stereotypes. As a father, husband, and politician, President Obama discusses the need for feminism, recognizing that, “when everyone…

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This Martial Arts School in Detroit Teaches Boys That it’s OK to Cry

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At the Cave of Adullam training academy in Detroit, Michigan, boys are not only trained in the ways of martial arts, but also in the ways of non-hegemonic masculinity. They are taught that having emotions, and crying, is part of what being a man really means. Additionally, boys with absent fathers, or without fathers, are…

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Understanding Consent is as Easy as FRIES

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As always, Planned Parenthood is an amazing resource for information that is easy to understand and quick to digest. In the above image, they tackle consent, and break it down for us all to grasp so that our sexual encounters are healthy, fun, and safe for all involved. – Brett Goldberg Consent is: Freely given.…

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“Men, Feminism, and Men’s Contradictory Experiences of Power” by Michael Kaufman

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As one of the preeminent scholars on Masculinity, Michael Kaufman’s research has highlighted contradictions within traditional feminist narratives of patriarchal power and control. That is not to say that he is trying to undermine feminist discourse, or does not support it; rather Kaufman works to complicate the discourse by showing how competition and violence within…

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“Transforming a Rape Culture” edited by Emilie Buchwald, Pamela Fletcher, & Martha Roth

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This foundational anthology collects writings from diverse perspectives and a range of authors who examining root causes of violence, highlighting a range of manifestations, and discusses challenges to cultural dynamics that foster a rape culture in the United States. Collecting writings from over several decades, and having gone through several editions, the anthology has developed…

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